Cal/OSHA M1: Introduction to Cal/OSHA (07s-CaO-001-beta)

Familiarity with Occupational Health and Safety Standards is an important part of administration for any facility, in order to make sure the rights and responsibilities of all employees to have a safe work environment are maintained. This course seeks to keep the user well informed on Cal/OSHA, it’s standards, and how it differs from national standards in California


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BRN Provider NO. CEP 16081
  • Welcome to Cal/OSHA M1: Introduction to Cal/OSHA
  • Section 1: ABOUT CAL/OSHA
  • About Cal/OSHA
  • Additional Units Within Cal/OSHA
  • Additional Support
  • Legislation
  • Rights And Responsibilities Under the OSH Act 1
  • Rights and Responsibilities Under the OSH Act 2
  • Difference between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 1
  • Difference between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 2
  • Difference between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 3
  • Differences between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 4
  • Differences between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 5
  • Differences between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 6
  • Differences between CalOSHA and Federal OSHA 7
  • Differences between CalOSHA and Federal OSHA 8
  • Differences between CalOSHA and Federal OSHA 9
  • Differences between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 10
  • Differences between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 11
  • Differences between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 12
  • Differences between Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA 13
  • Section 1 Quiz
  • Section 2: OSHA STANDARDS
  • OSHA Standards 1
  • OSHA Standards 2
  • OSHA Standards 3
  • OSHA Standards 4
  • OSHA Standards 5
  • OSHA Standards 6
  • Section 2 Quiz
  • Posting Requirements
  • Workplace Posting
  • Emergency Phone Numbers
  • FAQs Workplace Postings 1
  • FAQs Workplace Postings 2
  • FAQs Workplace Postings 3
  • FAQs Workplace Postings 4
  • FAQs Workplace Postings 5
  • FAQs Workplace Postings 6
  • Injury & Illness Prevention Plan
  • Statistics 1
  • Statistics 2
  • Section 3 Quiz
  • Cal OSHA Training Requirements 1
  • Cal OSHA Training Requirements 2
  • Cal OSHA Training Requirements 3
  • Cal OSHA Training Requirements 4
  • Cal OSHA Training Requirements 5
  • Cal OSHA Training Requirements 6
  • Cal OSHA Training Requirements 7
  • Application of Training Program
  • Training for Supervisors
  • Training for Employees 1
  • Training for Employees 2
  • Training for Employees 3
  • Safety and Health Training
  • In Summary....
  • Section 4 Quiz
  • Section 5: RECORDKEEPING
  • Record Keeping Requirements 1
  • Record Keeping Requirements 2
  • Record Keeping Requirements 3
  • Cal/OSHA Recordkeeping Forms 300, 300A, & 301 1
  • Cal/OSHA Recordkeeping Forms 300, 300A, & 301 2
  • Cal/OSHA Recordkeeping Forms 300, 300A, & 301 3
  • Recordkeeping and Documentation
  • Documenting Your Activities 1
  • Documenting Your Activities 2
  • Documenting Your Activities 3
  • Injury & Illness Records 1
  • Injury & Illness Records 2
  • Injury & Illness Records 3
  • Exposure Records
  • Medical Waste
  • Personal Protective Equipment 1
  • Personal Protective Equipment 2
  • Gloves
  • Other PPE
  • Decontaminating and Disposing of PPE
  • Reporting an Exposure Incident 1
  • Reporting an Exposure Incident 2
  • What If Exposed
  • Medical Evaluation and Followup
  • Written Opinion
  • Section 5 Quiz
  • What Triggers An Inspection?
  • MOD Rates Explained
  • OSHA's Non Retaliation Policy
  • Cal/OSHA Enforcement Unit District Offices Locations (A-W)
  • Congratulations!
  • Cal/OSHA M1 Post-Quiz Review
  • Course Evaluation
  • Important Info about Your Certificate
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year