Frequently Asked Questions About Courses in TalentLMS

We strongly recommend using Google Chrome as your browser and using a laptop or desktop computer for the best result when taking TalentLMS courses. Additionally, do not attempt to take the courses on a mobile device (phone or tablet).

Troubleshooting TalentLMS - Be Your Own IT

Question #1

Video/Audio/Page Isn’t Loading?

Classes may experience trouble loading, thus freezing or "Bad Request" messages, when the internet connection/speed is poor for the device you're using to take your online training. To reduce these outcomes, we recommend the following:

  • Slow internet can cause long load times for taking courses, like if a video freezes or a slide is blank. A minimum of 50Mbps internet speed is necessary to take our courses. If your internet has been slow lately, you can unplug your internet modem and wifi router for a minute, then plug them back in. You can also go to to see your internet speeds. Visiting this site for an internet speed check can often reset your speed when your internet provider has throttled your internet speeds. (Frustrating but true.)
  • Use Google Chrome as your web browser, and make sure to enable cookies.
  • When reopening an online course after taking a break from training (whether on the same device/web browser or a different one), please select the CANCEL button if a gray pop up dialogue box appears. If you are taken back to the beginning of a course even though you were in the middle of it, there is a button on the bottom right of the class content window that says "TOC". Clicking this button will open the table of contents and you can scroll down until you see the last viewed slide with a check box icon. Click on that slide's name and it will take you right to that slide and continue where you left off. 
  • You may still use your mobile devices for taking online courses so long as they have a strong internet connection, but the above are the recommended methods. 
  • While we do not recommend using Apple devices, Greg at our office suggests using the TalentLMS app if you are using Apple mobile devices; the domain is CCO.

Question #2

Why does the video restart after leaving the module?

Use the Table of Contents (TOC) button in bottom right to resume from the last slide.

Question #3

How do I download my certificate?

You may find your online training certificates that you have earned on our new portal in your email's inbox connected to your account as well as when you login to your account. On the top right, hover your mouse over YOUR NAME HERE | LEARNER to reveal a drop down menu. Select "My certifications'' in the drop down menu. This will show the list of certificates you have earned on this training portal. You may download them to your computer's Download folder by clicking the round star-flower icon to the right of each certificate's name.

Other Questions

Question #1

Are there in-person classes?

In short, yes we provide in-person training sessions as well as educational conferences. Check out upcoming events here: We plan the live sessions month to month and the conferences are confirmed a year in advance. Both are subject to change based on current health guidelines.

Community Care Options goes on the road for several live, in-person training sessions. From NorCal all the way to SoCal, we educate current and hopeful RCFE/ARF administrators on a variety of topics.

We have an educational conference every Spring and Fall in various locations. This is where you will be able to network with and learn from seasoned professionals in the Assisted Living field.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to call 530-894-2114 or send a message through TalentLMS.

In order to send a message through TalentLMS, hover your mouse over MESSAGES on the top right menu bar and select send message. To ensure our tech team can help as soon as possible, please provide the course title, the problematic unit within the course, and a short description of the problem.