Course | |||||
A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles Your Legal Duty. At The End of this module, the learner will be familiar with: Their role as a mandated reporter; Able to identify forms of elder and dependent adult abuse; Able to recognize indicators of elder and dependent adult abuse; Familiar... | |||||
$29.99 A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles Familiarity with Occupational Health and Safety Standards is an important part of administration for any facility, in order to make sure the rights and responsibilities of all employees to have a safe work environment are maintained. This course... | |||||
$29.99 A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles This course is designed to review the details of the various Cal/OSHA standards that apply to the care industry and provide administrators with tips for improving safety surrounding those standards.
Access for 90 days.
California... | |||||
$29.99 A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles This course is designed to go over injury and illness prevention plans, what they are, why they are important, and what the basic elements of a good IIPP are as well as recordkeeping related to IIPPs, and Cal/OSHA consultation services.
1... | |||||
$29.99 A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles This course is designed to review Cal/OSHA enforcement, IIPPs, consultation services, inspection procedures, penalties and citations, the occupational safety and health appeals board, the OSH standards board, Worker rights and responsibilities,... | |||||
$29.99 A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles COVID-19 & Infectious Diseases training covers how infectious diseases like COVID-19 can spread, and what tools and procedures are available to reduce the risk within care facilities and our communities.
Access for 90... | |||||
$29.99 A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles This class will train about how to prevent, prepare and perform before, during and after an event of a fire and other disasters through a broad range of essential, informative material.
Access for 90 days.
California DSS Course... | |||||
$29.99 A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles Fire and other disasters are always a possibility in any location. This class will train about the importance of fire detection mechanisms, the available types of smoke detectors and sprinkler systems, information about fire escape plans, fire... | |||||
$29.99 A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles This class will train about the handling of flood, the aftermath of flood damage, removing mold from a property, hazards of tsunamis and earthquakes, and how to prepare for earthquakes as well as the regional geology as it applies to these... | |||||
$29.99 A1. Administrator CEUs / CEU Bundles Training on the updated California Laws and Regulations, includes 2015-2016 Assembly Bills and Senate Bills that put new compliance requirements in place, such as addendums to Admission Agreements and new required posters. 1 CEU Access for 90... |